For the past 5 years Northcote High has had iPads as the common device for years 7 to 9 and in the last year has introduced family choice for a Bring Your Own Device at Years 10 to 12.
Northcote High school believes that devices are an essential learning tool just like pens, pencils and calculators and we believe that these devices assist students to:
· Seek information · Communicate information and ideas · Create · Curate · Collaborate · Publish
The school is consulting with Students, Parents, and Staff to review the flexibility required, types of activities to be undertaken and available software to inform the school’s decision making regarding the most appropriate educational types of device(s) for each year level for 2018.
By answering the following questions you will give the school valuable information that will help inform the decision for what is the best device strategy for current and future students of Northcote High School.