Welcome to the BYOD review survey

For the past 5 years Northcote High has had iPads as the common device for years 7 to 9 and in the last year has introduced family choice for a Bring Your Own Device at Years 10 to 12. 

Northcote High school believes that devices are an essential learning tool just like pens, pencils and calculators and we believe that these devices assist students to:

·      Seek information
·      Communicate information and ideas
·      Create
·      Curate
·      Collaborate
·      Publish

The school is consulting with Students, Parents, and Staff to review the flexibility required, types of activities to be undertaken and available software to inform the school’s decision making regarding the most appropriate educational types of device(s) for each year level for 2018.

By answering the following questions you will give the school valuable information that will help inform the decision for what is the best device strategy for current and future students of Northcote High School. 

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following features would influence  your view on the appropriateness of the type of device  to be used by students

  Not a consideration Not very important Important Very important
Suitable for a range of purposes – searching information, file management, content creation
Portability - weight and size
Processing capacity for multimedia applications
Video capture potential
Range of applications
Ease of use / type of interface of the device
Ability to control content on the device

Question Title

* 2. Please identify what you think would be the most effective device for the following typical tasks to be undertaken by students

  Tablet/iPad Laptop  Combo tablet/laptop Other
Organising work (eg. creating folders, making lists, calendars)
Using the internet to search for information.
Accessing ebooks
Creating keynotes, mind maps to summarise learning.
Downloading images (eg. from a digital camera, mobile phone or the internet).
Listening to a podcast.
Using apps to practice a skill (eg. maths drills, spelling).
Writing, sending and receiving emails.
Updating or maintaining a blog or wiki.
Taking notes
Writing stories
Creating movies
Creating multimedia presentations (eg using sound, pictures and video)
Making a podcast.
Creating artworks

Question Title

* 3. To move to the most relevant questions please indicate if you are a