Healthwatch City of London Business plan Consultation (July 2024)

Thank you for taking the time to give your feedback on Healthwatch City of London’s business plan.

If you would like to add any comments to explain your answers, please feel free to include them in the comments section after each question.
1.In your view are the Vision and Mission for Healthwatch City of London still relevant? (Page 7)
2.Has Healthwatch City of London identified the relevant areas in the 'Local actions' section (Pages 18) to improve the experience of health and social care for City residents?
3.In your opinion are our business objectives still relevant?
4.Do you feel the plan reflects the priorities of your local NHS and the City of London Corporation?
5.What is your overall impression of the Healthwatch City of London business plan?
6.Please let us know any other comments you have (Is there anything missing? Is there too much of anything)
7.If you'd like to hear all of the latest news from Healthwatch city of London, please sign up on