Welcome to the Business Health check!

If you like to help people and do good for a living then you have probably gone through of the below 3 challenges in your Entrepreneur's life:
1. Defining a specific Niche to work with
2. Attracting more clients and closing the sale
3. Leaving the "trading time for money" system and scaling your business

Why the Business Health Check?

Before you can address those challenges, you first need to know which challenge is more relevant to your business and needs to be taken care of in priority. That is why I have prepared this Business Health Check Questionnaire to help you identify which challenge your business is facing the MOST right now, and evaluate where your business is on the spectrum of those 3 challenges.

How does it work?

This Business Health Check is made of 18 questions that you will have to answer on different aspects of your business. Each question will offer you 3 answers to choose from. Choose the one that is the closest to your reality – don’t try to minimize challenges or embellish reality.

It is in your interest to be as honest and as true to yourself as possible so that the results will give you the feedback that you need to hear.

By answering those questions you will be able to identify the areas where you are stuck and to focus on what you need to do to take your business to the next level.

Also, please note that the results will be accurate ONLY if you reply to ALL the questions.

Our Advice:
Find a quiet place, away from the noise and from your daily activities and make sure to take enough time to answer each question with authenticity and integrity.

When do you get the results?

Once you have finished answering all the questions, you will immediately receive an email with the exact results indicating which challenge you should overcome in priority and what steps you need to take in order to bring your business to the next level.

Good luck!
Nathalie Garson