Builders Club Member End-of-Year Survey 2025 1. BACKGROUND Please provide information about you and your club. Question Title * 1. Your role in Builders Club: Member. Officer. Committee chair. Question Title * 2. Select the number of years you have been in Builders Club: This is my first year. 2-3 years. 4 years. Question Title * 3. Where your Builders Club is located: In a school. In a youth or community organization. In a homeschool. Question Title * 4. If your club is in a SCHOOL, select the type: Public. Charter. Private/independent (non-religious). Private religious. I am in a homeschooler's club. Question Title * 5. Select the geographic location of your school or community organization: Inside a large city. Suburb (outside) a large city. Rural area. Small to mid-size town. Question Title * 6. Name of your school/organization: Question Title * 7. City, town or village of your school/organization: Question Title * 8. State (or province) and country of your school/organization: Question Title * 9. Number of students in your club: 5-10. 11-20. 21-35. 36-50. More than 50. Question Title * 10. Does your club have officers? Yes. No. Question Title * 11. How often your club meets: Every two months. Once a month. Two times a month. Every week. Other (please explain). Question Title * 12. The number of service projects your club completed this school year (2024-25): None. 1-2. 3-4. 5 or more. Next