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* 1. Which area on the map above do you live in?

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* 2. Please provide your address below. (Limit of one survey response per household please)

Please let us know if you are interested in being contacted with information and updates on the Master Plan process by providing your name and email below:

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* 3. Name:

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* 4. Email address:

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* 5. How long have you lived in Brighton Township?

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* 6. How many people reside in your household in each of the following age brackets?

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* 7. Which best describes your household?

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* 8. How many males reside in your household?

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* 9. How many females reside in your household?

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* 10. Which best describes your residence?

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* 11. Why do you live in Brighton Township? (check all that apply)

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* 12. How would you rate the quality of life in Brighton Township?

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* 13. What is Brighton Township’s greatest asset?

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* 14. What would you like to see improved in Brighton Township? (check all that apply)

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* 15. The Township is not responsible for the maintenance of public and private roads. How would you rate the current condition of major (County) roads in the Township?

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* 16. The Township is not responsible for the maintenance of public and private roads. How would you rate the current condition of County roads in your subdivision?

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* 17. Would you support a Special Assessment to fund road improvements in your subdivision?

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* 18. Would you support a Township-wide property millage to fund road improvements across the Township?

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* 19. If sewer service was provided in your subdivision would you wish to connect to it?

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* 20. Would you support a Special Assessment to fund sewers in your subdivision?

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* 21. Which of the following would you like the Township to take a greater role in expanding? (check all that apply)

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* 22. lf you selected any answer in the previous question, which of the following mechanisms are you receptive to? (check all that apply)

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* 23. Which of the following would you like to see in a future Township park? (check all that apply)

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* 24. Would you support a property tax millage for park and sidewalk improvements?

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* 25. The Township is currently reactive to property maintenance complaints as they are received. Should Brighton Township have proactive property maintenance code enforcement?

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* 26. Currently the smallest home allowed in the Township is 950 square feet. Are you comfortable with tiny homes (i.e. 450 square feet) being built in Brighton Township?

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* 27. Should someone be allowed to turn a single family home into a duplex?

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* 28. Should the Township allow short-term (daily or weekly) rentals (e.g. Airbnb) for homes?

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* 29. Should the Township allow ground installed solar arrays at residential homes?

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* 30. Should larger signage be allowed for businesses?

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* 31. Should the Township take an active role in preserving historic properties and buildings?

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* 32. Please express any additional thoughts you have about the future of Brighton Township: