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* 1. Have you bought a Bertie Beetle showbag from the show in the last 3 years?

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* 2. If so, do you remember which one/s you bought?

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* 3. Have you bought Bertie Beetle from our online shop?

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* 4. If so, do you remember what you bought online?

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* 5. Describe your ultimate Bertie Beetle showbag, what would it include?

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* 6. If you could pick any merchandise item for Bertie Beetle, what would it be? You can select multiple!

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* 7. What does Bertie Beetle mean to you? (Note: answers may be used in marketing)

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* 8. Would you be interested in a replica/copy showbag of the original Bertie Beetle showbags from 1960's?

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* 9. Would you be interested in a Bertie Beetle subscription where you receive a delivery of Bertie Beetle on a regular basis? (or it could be sent as a gift)

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* 10. Is there anything else you want to tell us?

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* 11. Thank you for completing the survey. To get 15% off our Bertie Beetle collection online then please pop in your email address! You will receive a promo code to use on our online shop -