Bell Times Survey for SLPS Parents (from Parent Action Council)

Dear SLPS Parents,

As you know the starting bell times for the schools in the St. Louis Public School system were pushed back by 20 minutes for all three tiers for this year.

Since then there have been discussions about the impact of later starting times on the students and families. The Parent Action Council, under the guidance of Superintendent Dr. Adams, is reviewing the bell times and bus routes to see if any changes can or should be made. 

Please fill this survey as completely as possible to help explore optimal school start times.  This survey is an effort by the Parent Action Council to create an understanding about school start times and transportation issues.  We can’t promise any particular changes but we can help in figuring out the needs of all the students.

Please fill out ONE SURVEY FOR EACH CHILD/STUDENT in your household.  If you have more than one SLPS student at home, it is important to assess the needs of each child, especially if you have children in more than one school.

With thanks,

Parent Action Council - SLPS

Question Title

* 2.  What time does your child naturally wake up in the morning (if he/she has no obligations that day)?

Question Title

* 3. How has bell change effected your ability to do each of the following? Has it made it…

  Much more difficult Somewhat difficult The same Somewhat easier Much easier
Provide care before school
Provide care after school
Involve your child in athletics/school sports
Involve child in extra curricular activities (Scouts, Dance, Clubs, etc)
Be a part of your child’s academic routine (e.g. completing homework, involvement at school, etc).

Question Title

* 4. How has the change in bell time impacted your child's performance in the following? Has their performance been…

  Much worse Somewhat worse The same Somewhat better Much better
Athletics/School Sports
Extracurricular activities (Scouts, Dance, Clubs, etc)

Question Title

* 5.  What has been the overall impact of later bell times on:

  Much worse Somewhat worse The same Somewhat better Much better
Your child
Your family

Question Title

* a.  If you said bell time has impacted your child and/or family negatively, please tell us why - be as specific as possible.

Question Title

* b. If you said bell time has impacted your child and/or family positively, please tell us why - be as specific as possible.

Question Title

* 6.  Research suggests there is a wide range of start times that may work for kids. What do you think is the optimal time for your child to start school?

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.
Don't forget, if you have more than one child in the SLPS system, please  fill out one survey for every student in your household.