Question Title

* 1. Please lists the typical tests that are carried out often.

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* 2. Please list the approximate frequency (tests per month) for each test.

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* 3. If a kit was available with all of the supplies included for 50 or 100 tests (sample prep tubes, reagents, glassware, pipettes) how likely would you be to purchase it?

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* 4. Do you use outside labs for certain/all tests? If so, please provide details like types of test, frequency of tests, typical costs, etc.

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* 5. If you use outside labs for testing, please indicate why you use an outside lab for testing?

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* 6. Contact Information (Enter information below if you would like a follow-up or contacted by a qualified local sales engineer):

Question Title

* 7. We are giving out a small gift to the survey participants. Would you be interested in getting one? (The number of gift items is limited so it will be based on first-come-first-serve basis)