You're a historian if…
You are beckoned by the treasures of mankind. You are drawn to the remnants of the past, especially bits of culture from our ancestors. You’re most excited by finding a tool, a coin, a sherd of pottery, a piece of jewelry—anything that you can research and investigate. You love researching the origins of the key or knife you found, collaborating online with other history enthusiasts.
You’re a scavenger if…
You are fascinated by remnants of human and industrial history. Manmade objects and pieces of the past call to you, but you might be more interested in a glass bead from a mid-century lamp than you are a piece of pottery from the first century. Urban landscapes, dumps, and former industrial hotspots are your go-to locations, as the bounty of discarded treasures there is often overwhelming.
You’re a wanderer if…
You love visiting new beaches, making memories, discovering somewhere completely new—and checking out what’s on the beach. If someone tells you about a beachcombing spot they loved, you add it to your bucket list of beach destinations. You go on retreats, invite your friends to travel with you, or head out on your own to explore.