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This research is conducted in the context of an academic survey on Blockchain privacy. 

Please carefully read all the questions and instructions before answering them in order to ensure valid responses.

GDPR Compliance
To comply with GDPR, we do not ask any questions that may disclose personally identifiable information (PII); the questionnaire can be answered anonymously and answers do not allow any inference to your identity. The demographic questions regarding gender and continent of residence allow the respondent to answer with “do not want to specify”.

Incentives for participants
Incentives will be distributed to a selection of participants (who answered the entire questionnaire) based on a lottery mechanism (see below). 
Participants may need to specify their Monero addresses if they want to participate in the lottery and payout to winners. We do not retain this information for non-winning participants and will delete all but the data of persons to whom an incentive has been paid out for billing and legal compliance purposes.

The Total prize is $200 and will be distributed among winners. The incentives worth at least $10 are paid in Monero to the winners based on a future Bitcoin block as follows:  

The SHA256 hash of the lottery mechanism is:
We will announce the mechanism on November 22nd on our research page:
For those who completely filled out the questionnaire before 22.11.2021, we will apply the following mechanism. We will later notify the raffle mechanisms for those who fill out the form after 22.11.2021.
The selected Bitcoin block height is:
Let’s assume:
R is the last digit of the respondent's Monero address and R+1 is one digit before the last.
C is the last digit of the coinbase output address of the selected Bitcoin block and C+1 is one digit before the last.
We pay those whose R=C.
If there are less than 20 respondents with R=C, we also pay those R=C+1, and then R=C+2, ... until the fund limit is reached.
If there are more than 20 respondents with R=C, we pay those R=C & R+1=“a”, and then R=C & R+1=“b”, ... until the fund limit is reached.

Question Title

* 1. Please check the box.