
At Body Beyond Birth, we thrive on your feedback. 

Please tell us about your recent trial membership experience. It will help us to shape a BBB you love! And it could win you a full membership for taking part. 

Question Title

* 1. In terms of your fitness level & the program, which of the following sounds most like your experience

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* 2. How would you rate the following BBB elements?

  Awful OK Good Great Awesome! 
The quality of program provided
The price of the BBB program
Pilates based exercise in an online format
Our recipes and nutrition advice
The customer service
How easy to use the program is
Additional extras such as Yoga lessons, meditation and our online community

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* 3. How could we improve Body Beyond Birth in your eyes? 

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* 4. How likely are you to: 

  Not at all Not very likely I might  I'm considering it I definitely would! 
Purchase a membership
Purchase a membership if we have a sale
Recommend Body Beyond Birth to a friend

Question Title

* 5. To be in the running for a free trial membership, we need to test your skills and knowledge of Body Beyond Birth. What sort of exercise is BBB based on? 

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* 6. Thank you for your feedback. In order to go into the draw for the membership, we need your email address. Please provide it in the box below.