I Support Basic Income Open Letter |
If you would like to sign your name to the Basic Income Open Letter, please fill out the form below. We have included a link to the letter here and a copy of the text below, for your reference.
Dear elected official,
I support basic income as a means to building a more equitable, sustainable, and just society. Join me and take a stand in support of direct cash as a key tool for economic justice.
Our current economic system is not working. Every day, millions of individuals are struggling to make ends meet, facing exploitative, poverty-wage jobs and punitive, discriminatory social support programs. To make matters worse, we live in a time of compounding crises — these catastrophes, from pandemics to wars to climate change, require cash to withstand the economic shocks that come with them. Even before the pandemic, 40% of Americans were unable to cover an unexpected $400 emergency. Since then, obscene levels of income and wealth inequality have widened the gulf between those who thrive and those who barely survive.
In a time of volatility, basic income provides stability. Economic resilience shouldn't be a luxury for the lucky few — basic income allows for breathing room and increased resilience in the event of an expensive emergency, a job loss, a health issue, a climate disaster, or an economic crash. Basic income isn’t a silver bullet for all of society’s ills, but it is a deeply intersectional policy with the potential to make solving many of our problems easier. In a nation where the deck is stacked against historically marginalized communities, basic income is a first step in remedying deep-seated systemic injustices.
Direct cash works. Data from guaranteed income programs in cities from Stockton, CA to Jackson, MS, as well as the expanded monthly Child Tax Credit in 2021, have shown that direct cash payments are one of the most efficient and effective ways to lift people out of poverty, while prioritizing the recipients’ dignity and autonomy to decide how to best meet their own needs. These programs have shown that guaranteed income drastically improves job prospects, food security, financial stability, and the overall well-being and mental health of recipients.
I support basic income as a crucial tool in the fight for economic justice. Please join me. Poverty is a policy choice. Let’s choose to eliminate it by providing an income floor for all.