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The purpose of this survey is to better understand the barriers that individuals from racialised communities face when engaging with mental health services. Our aim is to use the feedback to improve the accessibility of our services and ways that we as an organisation can represent and connect with various communities. The closing date for responses is Monday 30 September 2024.

All feedback from this survey will be collected anonymously and we will publish the results of our survey on West Sussex Mind's website. No individuals will be identifiable in these results.

Communities that we plan to engage with this survey are:
- Black and mixed Black races
- Asian and mixed Asian races
- European and mixed European races
- Non-white British persons

Question Title

* Q1. What barriers do you currently face that might prevent you from accessing mental health services? Please tick all options that are relevant to you.

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* Q2. How important to you is it that someone with a lived experience of a mental health condition is involved in the planning and running of the support group?

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* Q3. Do you feel that West Sussex Mind actively represents you and your community? If not, what more can we do to improve this?

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* Q4. If you are directly involved in the design and delivery of the services, would you be more likely to use the services at West Sussex Mind?

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* Q5. Do you have any suggestions that would encourage yourself or someone you know to access this service?

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* Q6. What is your preferred method of communication?

Thank you for completing our survey, your answers will help us to improve the accessibility of our services and ways that we can represent and connect with various communities.

Do you have more to say on this topic?

We will be holding focus groups (in person and online) to enable conversation and discussion about the barriers those who identify as being from a racialised community have faced when accessing our services at West Sussex Mind, as well as other health services focused on mental health.

If you would be interested in joining one of these focus groups, please give us your name and a phone number or email address so that we can send you more information. Your name and contact info will be separated from your survey answers to maintain your anonymity and will be stored securely and confidentially. We will only use your contact info to let you know about the focus groups.

If you would prefer to give us your contact details separately, please email us at

Question Title

* Your name:

Question Title

* Your phone number or email address:

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