Barwon Coast is delivering a project to understand how Bancoora Beach and the Breamlea foreshore may change in response to rising seas and greater storms in the coming years, how this may impact on the important cultural, environmental and social values of the foreshore, and what we can do to adapt and plan for these changes.

Please complete our 10-minute survey to provide us with your perspectives on:
  • How you use the beach and foreshore around Bancoora and Breamlea.
  • What is special and important about these areas.
  • Your memories and knowledge of how the coast here has changed over time.
  • Your experiences of coastal hazards (erosion, inundation) in this area.
Your feedback will help us understand more about the values of the area, as well as understanding how the coast has shifted and changed. This will then inform future stages of this coastal adaptation planning project.

Survey closes on 13 October 2024.