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* 1. Write your full name

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* 2. Who decides whether our explanation is logical or not?

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* 3. What is the most important thing when conveying the message?

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* 4. List the five steps of logical thinking.

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* 5. What is "Problem" ?

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* 6. Logic Tree analysis can be used when we need to

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* 7. Profit equals revenue minus cost is the example of which MECE frameworks?

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* 8. Write down using your own words,  what do you understand about MECE and why MECE is important in Logical Thinking approach ?

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* 9. What is likely the cause of MURA?

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* 10. Which one should be analyzed and solved first in MURA-MURI-MUDA?

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* 11. Which aspect in the Communication Pyramid is most crucial?

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* 12. Which part in the UPA communication is the most important?

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* 13. What is the ideal percentage of U part in UPA communication?

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* 14. What abilities are required to Understand well?

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* 15. Which ones doensn't reflect active listening ?

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* 16. Write down what must be considered when giving suggestions to others so that they will accept them?

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* 17. Well-organized and action-oriented; highly motivated; Strong closers are over the top of which people characterity?

Question Title

* 18. What step should we take if our proposal is rejected?

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* 19. Which component of corrective feedback involves stating only the facts without expressing opinions or emotions?

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* 20. Try to write down one example of corrective feedback statement, using your own real case. 

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* 21. Which type of communication includes dominating the conversation, giving nasty comment, and refusing to listen to others?

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* 22. List the type of negotiations

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* 23. What needs to be understood before negotiating?

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* 24. "Subject for Agreement" is..

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* 25. I want to buy this car if the price is 150 million rupiah , no more!  is example of

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* 26. Which one is more important : interest or position

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* 27. Why we should not focus only on the bottom line?

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* 28. How to expand the ZOPA?

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* 29. Write in your own words your understanding about BATNA

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* 30. The method for verifying whether the other party's story is consistent and analyzing the credibility of the other party's statement is the method of

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* 31. Write down what was your greatest take away in Negotiation Training

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* 32. How is your understanding for this training? 

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* 33. What is the most impressive thing in this training? (Describe it)

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* 34. What did you learn through the training? (Describe it)

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* 35. Was the training material personalized enough to help you solve problems specific to your job requirements?

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* 36. Tell us about your professional goals and development after this training.

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* 37. Do you feel competent and confident at the end of the training program? Please share any concern.