ASHG invites our industry partners to present sponsored educational sessions at our 2025 Annual Meeting at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center (BCEC) in Boston, MA. Industry events will be held Oct 15-17 during the morning break in programming, the midday break, and afternoon poster sessions.

Pricing is as follows:
  • CoLab Sessions: $8,000 exhibitors, $10,500 non-exhibiting sponsors
  • Industry Education Sessions: $5,500 exhibitors, $8,000 non-exhibiting sponsors ($1,000 room upgrade fee for 350-person capacity room)
Please review the ASH25 Industry Event Schedule (PDF) to see what slots are still available!

Session purchase requests will be reviewed and scheduled in the order they are received until Friday September 5 or added to a wait list if sold out. Sponsors are billed upon scheduling.

Interested in hosting a meeting or event without significant educational content, such as a day-time committee meeting or an after-hours social / promotional event? Our Ancillary Event application will be available later this spring.

Please visit the ASHG25 Exhibit/Sponsor main webpage for more information or contact with any questions. Thank you!

Question Title

* 1. Is your company a registered exhibitor at ASHG 2025?

Registered exhibitors (companies renting booths 10' x 10' or larger) receive discounted pricing. If unsure, please check with your events/marketing team.

Question Title

* 2. Presenting Organization Information

The presenting organization must be a registered exhibitor to receive the exhibitor rates.

Question Title

* 3. Which event are you interested in sponsoring / presenting?
Companies must submit a unique purchase form for each session. Industry events are not CME eligible and cannot overlap official scientific programming.

Question Title

* 4. Sponsorship Agreement and Acknowledgement
The individual electronically signing and submitting this purchase form represents and warrants that they are duly authorized to execute this binding agreement on behalf of the sponsoring organization and agrees to all terms and conditions listed in this form, including payment deadlines and cancellation policies.
Each line must be selected and acknowledged to proceed. The full terms and conditions must also be agreed to on the final page of this form.