2022 Annual Meeting Mentor Meet-up Registration Form |
A few reminders that will help create a safe and engaging event.
Thank you for joining us for the Mentor Meet-up during ASGCT's Annual Meeting in Washington, DC in the spacious and captivating Walter E. Washington Convention Center. Please review the important information below to help us ensure a successful event for all!
The Mentor Meet-up will be held on Monday, May 16, 2022, from 6:00-8:00 PM.
- Annual Meeting registration is required to attend the Mentor Meet-up. You may register here if you haven't done so.
- Show Management* is not responsible for any lost or stolen items related to your table(s).
- Understand that ASGCT is committed to providing discrimination, harassment, and retaliation-free environment for all participants in Society events. All attendees and participants must conduct themselves in a respectful and professional manner throughout the event and adhere to the Discrimination & Harassment Policy as posted on www.asgct.org.
- Understand that ASGCT's 25th Annual Meeting requires that all in-person attendees must be fully vaccinated. We define "fully vaccinated" to be at least 14 days past the final administration. Booster shots are not required but are recommended for any eligible communities.
- Understand that in-person attendees are required to wear masks on-site at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center. Please reference the Health & Safety Page for full details.
- The ASGCT logo is the property of ASGCT and may not be used without permission from Show Management*.
- Please ensure you follow all additional Annual Meeting protocols while attending the Career Fair.
We're here for you! Please email Toni Gray, Program Manager, at tgray@asgct.org with any questions or concerns.
*Show Management:
American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy
*Show Management:
American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy
The term “Show Management” used herein and in subsequent regulations shall mean the American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ASGCT), its vendors or employees acting for it, and the mana