About ArtScreen

ArtScreen 2021 is a visual art project which seeks to enable three (3) NSW artists with disability to develop their creativity and careers by creating work in the increasingly prevalent format of video art or ‘art of the moving image’.

The successful applicants will be mentored by experienced video artists to create video artworks up to 10 minutes duration which explore identity and social connectedness in specific environments.

If required, the production of each artwork will be supported by a team of students from inclusive screen production school Bus Stop Films, Accessible Film Studies Program and with equipment/facilities from Parramatta’s Information & Cultural Exchange (I.C.E.).
All completed artworks will be premiered at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney in December 2021 to mark the International Day Of People With Disability. The premiere season will include a series of screenings over one week and will feature live Q&As with the respective artists. The Prototype video art streaming platform will also have an option to potentially exhibit the artworks online.

ArtScreen is being funded with grants from Create NSW and the City of Sydney as well as in-kind contributions from Accessible Arts and other project partners. A trial of this initiative was funded by the City of Sydney in 2020.
  • Applicants must identify as being Deaf and/or a person with disability
  • Applicants must be emerging or mid-career visual artists and/or filmmakers
  • Applicants must reside in NSW
  • Applicants do not need to have prior experience working with video as a creative format 

  • Artworks must explore the theme of identity and social connectedness in specific environments
  • Artworks should engage with experimental video forms and advance visual/cinematic language
  • Artworks must be legible and make sense visually on small screens
  • Artworks should have a minimum duration of 3 minutes and a maximum duration of 10 minutes
  • Applicants must demonstrate that they can create and deliver their artwork using the cash and in-kind resources that comprise the project budget
  • Applicants must be available to commence production of the artwork from March 2021 and deliver the final artwork by October 2021.    
  • Applicants must be open to working with the project mentors and curator
  • All final artworks must be delivered in multiple formats which include captioning, audio description and Auslan interpretation.

The successful applicant will receive up to 16 hours of support from experienced video artists. These mentors will each choose to work with one artist. They will be available for an initial consultation and then will provide advice and support during pre-production, production and post-production. The mentors are:

Soda_Jerk is a two-person art collective who work exclusively with sampled material and pirated cinema to make experimental documentary films. Following their acclaimed political revenge fable TERROR NULLIUS (2018), Soda_Jerk are currently working on a new feature Hello Dankness. Formed in Sydney in 2002, they’ve been based in NYC since 2012. https://www.sodajerk.com.au/

Amala Groom
Amala is a Wiradyuri conceptual artist whose work presents acute and incisive commentary on contemporary socio-political issues. Articulated across diverse media, Groom’s work often subverts western iconography in order to enunciate Aboriginal stories, experiences and histories and to interrogate the legacy of colonialism. http://amalagroom.com/About

Dr Zanny Begg
Zanny is an artist, curator, theorist and lecturer at UNSW Art and Design. As an artist, Zanny is interested in hidden and contested history/ies. She works with film, drawing and installation to explore ways in which we can live and be in the world differently. https://zannybegg.com/

Lauren Carroll-Harris
The successful applicant will also receive advice and support from Prototype curator Lauren Carroll-Harris. Lauren is a writer, artist, broadcaster, critic and curator with a focus on film and contemporary art. Lauren will provide feedback at selected stages of the production process. https://youaretheprototype.art/


Applicants are welcome to detail if they have any access requirements and how these requirements will be addressed during the production process.

For example, if the applicant requires a camera operator, the cost of this could be met using part of the $7000 cash component. However, if the applicant requires an Auslan interpreter for any part of the production process, the cost of this could potentially be met using NDIS funding.

Please contact us if you have any questions about access requirements.  

ArtScreen guidelines and application forms are available in accessible formats upon request. Formats include word documents, audio files, and large print.
Applications will be assessed using the following criteria:
  • Artistic standing of the applicant
  • Creative merit of the project concept
  • Benefit of the project to the applicant’s professional development
  • Ability to deliver the project on time and on budget
  • Suitability of the project for Prototype programming
Applications will be assessed by a panel including the mentors, curator, and staff members from Accessible Arts and Bus Stop Films.

All applicants will be notified of the results by Monday 1 March 2021.

Successful applicants will be required to enter into an agreement which will contain additional terms and conditions in accordance with existing policies of Accessible Arts, MCA, Prototype, Bus Stop Films and I.C.E.

The successful applicant must provide Accessible Arts, MCA and Prototype with permission to screen and/or share the artwork created through the ArtScreen initiative. This will involve MCA screening the artworks on site for 1 week in December 2021 and Prototype presenting the online premiere as well as having exclusive rights to stream the artwork online for two years.

For the purposes of promoting ArtScreen, the successful applicant must also agree to make themselves available for interviews, filming and other social media opportunities.

Applications close at 5pm on Monday 8 February 2021

Please direct any enquiries to:
Liz Martin, Arts Development Manager, Accessible Arts
lmartin@aarts.net.au | 02 83793102