ARM seeks input from both the observational and modeling communities on the approaches that would be most useful for increasing the integration between ARM measurements, improvements in understanding of physical processes, especially those related to aerosol and ACI processes, and their representations in global climate models.

We appreciate your feedback.

Question Title

* 1. Indicate whether the below statements about ARM data create a high obstacle or a low obstacle in your research activities.

  High obstacle Low obstacle
The format of available data products don't support my needs
There is a lack of appropriate observation-model integration frameworks
There is a lack of appropriate tools/there are gaps in current tools
The user interface for the downloading data is difficult to use

Question Title

* 2. How can ARM improve data products needed by the modeling community?

Question Title

* 3. What new observations, field campaigns, aerial or ground-based remote sensing observations or data products would be valuable in addressing your science questions?

33% of survey complete.