Architecture and Millennials Question Title * 1. In what year were you born? (enter 4-digit birth year; for example, 1976) Question Title * 2. Are you: Male Female Other Question Title * 3. Which of the following Generations do you identify with? Millennial (includes Generation Y or Generation Z) Generation X Boomer Silent (born before end of WWII) I really don’t identify with a Generation. Question Title * 4. Which degree do you currently hold? If you do not yet have a degree, choose "None of the above" and proceed to the next question. B.Arch B.Arch with a post-professional masters M.Arch M.Arch with non-architecture bachelors Ph. D None of the above Question Title * 5. If you are still in school, or plan to return to school, what is the highest degree you plan to attain? If you are out of school and do not plan to pursue other degrees, select N/A. B.Arch M.Arch Post-professional masters in architecture Ph. D in architecture Bachelors in another field Masters in another field Ph. D in another field N/A Question Title * 6. Which three of the following do you value most? Pick only three. Having a high-paying career Having a successful marriage Living a very religious life Being a good parent Having lots of free time Becoming famous Helping others in need Owning your own home Question Title * 7. Please indicate on a scale from "1" to "10" how well each of the following phrases describes you. For example, a "10" describes you very well and a "1" does not describe you at all. If you feel that you fall somewhere in between, you can choose any number between "1" and "10". 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A Religious Person A Religious Person 1 A Religious Person 2 A Religious Person 3 A Religious Person 4 A Religious Person 5 A Religious Person 6 A Religious Person 7 A Religious Person 8 A Religious Person 9 A Religious Person 10 An Environmentalist An Environmentalist 1 An Environmentalist 2 An Environmentalist 3 An Environmentalist 4 An Environmentalist 5 An Environmentalist 6 An Environmentalist 7 An Environmentalist 8 An Environmentalist 9 An Environmentalist 10 A Supporter of Gay Rights A Supporter of Gay Rights 1 A Supporter of Gay Rights 2 A Supporter of Gay Rights 3 A Supporter of Gay Rights 4 A Supporter of Gay Rights 5 A Supporter of Gay Rights 6 A Supporter of Gay Rights 7 A Supporter of Gay Rights 8 A Supporter of Gay Rights 9 A Supporter of Gay Rights 10 A Patriotic Person A Patriotic Person 1 A Patriotic Person 2 A Patriotic Person 3 A Patriotic Person 4 A Patriotic Person 5 A Patriotic Person 6 A Patriotic Person 7 A Patriotic Person 8 A Patriotic Person 9 A Patriotic Person 10 Question Title * 8. Which of the following will you (or did you) consider most important in choosing an employer? Opportunities for career progression Good benefits packages including pensions, healthcare and other benefits Flexible work arrangements High salary Corporate values that match yours A company’s reputation for good ethical practices None of the above Question Title * 9. When you graduate (or graduated) from college, your primary goal will be (was)… To become a licensed architect. To be involved in a creative field. To work in a field that improves the conditions of the world. None of the above. Question Title * 10. Do you (did you) think that your design education is (was)… too practical; not theoretical enough. too theoretical; not practical enough. well balanced in teaching theoretical and practical knowledge. Question Title * 11. Architecture schools nationally have recently experienced a decline in enrollments. Which one of the following do you think is the primary cause: Perception of poor employment prospects upon graduation. The path to graduation and licensure is too long and strenuous. The prospect of a career that will cut into free time and family time. Low expectations about salary over a lifetime. Other design-related fields are more attractive. Question Title * 12. Regarding the balance between life in studio and life outside of studio, whether recent or years past, which one statement describes your experience with studio in school: A severe unhealthy imbalance existed in school. An imbalance existed, but it was manageable. I didn’t think any imbalance existed. Done