Thank you for your interest in ApplyNH, New Hampshire's college application campaign! To register your school or site for Fall 2024, please complete the form below. Your date will be confirmed this spring and reconfirmed in the fall.

Question Title

* 1. School/Site Name

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* 2. Site Coordinator Name

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* 3. Site Coordinator Email

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* 4. Site Address

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* 5. Approx. number of students in Class of 2025

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* 6. Student to counseling staff ratio

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* 7. ApplyNH runs from the last week of October until Thanksgiving break. Please provide two dates that would work for your site. Event Date: Choice 1


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* 8. Event Date: Choice 2


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* 9. If available, would you like volunteer(s) to assist during your event? Please note that volunteers are not required or guaranteed. Returning schools will receive priority.

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* 10. Is there anything specific about your site or event that you would like us to know?

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* 11. By submitting this form, you agree to the terms and conditions in the Program Agreement.