Student exit survey

Please answer the following questions after your class or group completes the Investigate: aphids activities.
By completing this survey you will help us understand what you enjoyed and learnt. All responses will be confidential.

Completing both the entry and exit surveys will help your class or group earn more points for your entry.

Question Title

* 1. First name

Question Title

* 3. Class/Group name (please ensure all class/group members use the same name).

Question Title

* 4. Which of these best describes you


Question Title

* 5. What is biosecurity?

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* 6. Which one of the following is an example of a biosecurity practice?

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* 7. Who is responsible for biosecurity?

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* 8. List 3 biosecurity actions YOU can do to stop pests, diseases, weeds and contaminants from spreading

Aphids, IPM and Beneficial Bugs

Question Title

* 9. IPM is short for

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* 10. List 3 reasons why aphids can be a problem:

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* 11. Describe one way you can help to reduce aphid populations in your school, a farm or garden.

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* 12. Explain, in your own words, what 'beneficial insects' are

Science and Technology

Question Title

* 13. Do you agree or disagree with these statements about science and technology?

  Definitely Yes No Definitely not I'm not sure
Science and technology are used a lot in different jobs
Science and technology are important to agriculture and the production of food and fibre
Working in science and technology would be a good career option for me
There are a lot of opportunities for people in science and technology
Investigate: aphids competition

Question Title

* 14. What was your favourite part of Investigate: aphids?

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* 15. Do you agree or disagree with these statements about completing Investigate: aphids?

  Definitely Yes No Definitely not I'm not sure
I learnt a lot about biosecurity, aphids and science investigations
I had fun doing the Investigate: aphids competition
I would like to be involved in the Investigate competition again so I can learn about another topic

Question Title

* 16. We would love to make the Investigate competition even better for kids like you! Do you have any suggestions, feedback or ideas which could help us?

Thank you for completing the Investigate: aphids students exit survey. Your answers will help us make Investigate better for next year!