AOR Customer Feedback Survey

AOR welcomes your feedback. We use this feedback to improve our Design, Customer Service, Sales and Marketing.

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* 1. Customer details

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* 3. Do you/have you previously owned a camper trailer/caravan?

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* 5. What was your reason/s for upgrading?

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* 8. Are there any shows that you would have liked to see AOR attend?

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* 10. Did you find the required information on our website?

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* 11. Did you watch the latest handover videos on YouTube, and did you find all of the necessary information?

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* 12. How would you rate the MyAOR Portal? (out of 5 stars)

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* 13. Is there anything we could improve on the MyAOR Portal?

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* 14.
Do you follow AOR on social media?

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* 15. Would you be interested in attending an off road seminar by AOR?

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* 16. Overall, how satisfied are you with AOR purchasing experience?

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* 17. How satisfied were you with your AOR handover experience?

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* 18. What were the determining factors in your decision to buy an AOR trailer? Please select all that apply

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* 19. How important is purchase price to you in your decision making process?

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* 20. What other manufacturers were you considering when researching off road trailers?

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* 21. Are there features you have seen in other off road trailers that you think would benefit the trailers produced by AOR?

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* 22. Is there anything we can improve on?

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* 23. How satisfied are you with the production/build process of your camper?

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* 24. Are there any production or build changes that could have improved your experience?

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* 25. Compared to our competitors, is our service quality better, worse, or about the same?

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* 26. Would you like to provide a testimonial for our website? If yes please include below:

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* 27. Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?

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* 28. How likely are you to purchase any of our products again?

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* 29. How likely is it that you would recommend this company to a friend or colleague?

Not at all likely
Extremely likely