
This Annual Declaration on Compliance by the Legally Responsible Person is to certify that the registered training organisation (RTO) is operating in accordance with its obligations under the Vocational Education and Training (VET) Act 1996 and the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015.

The declaration covers the RTO’s entire scope of operations, including all services provided on its behalf by other organisations under third party arrangements, and for all locations where the RTO operates in Western Australia, Victoria or overseas.

Intent of the RTO Standards
The Standards require RTOs to systematically monitor and evaluate training and assessment strategies and practices and to use the outcomes of monitoring and evaluation to inform improvements in business and educational practice. These requirements are intended to foster a culture of continuous improvement which enables RTOs, through their internal quality assurance processes, to identify non-compliance with the Standards or areas for improvement and initiate action to ensure compliance with the Standards at all times.

Systematic evaluation should be based on evidence from a range of sources, including the outcomes of validation, complaints and appeals processes, feedback from learners, clients, trainers and assessors and quality/performance indicator data collected under the Data Provision Requirements.
RTOs that do not submit an annual declaration by the due date may be non-compliant against Clause 8.4 of the Standards for RTOs.

Completing the declaration
Truthful and accurate reporting of non-compliances and corrective action taken or planned is indicative of a pro-active internal continuous improvement process and is encouraged.
Declaration Information
  • If you need to leave the declaration and return to it at a later time it will return to the question you were up to. You will be able to edit responses and complete the declaration.
  • You can save or print the declaration by using the normal icons on your browser.
  • When you have completed the declaration, please click on the SUBMIT button. Once the declaration has been submitted, you will be unable to make any changes.
  • Questions marked with * are mandatory.
Please complete and return this Annual Declaration by 30 September 2020