Welcome to the Pulsli Survey!

Dear Medical Industry Experts,

In this product survey, we kindly request your review and evaluation of the key elements and features of Pulsli, a technology designed to reduce hospitalizations related to heart failure and enhance patients' quality of life. Key elements include:

Patient-Facing Tools:
a. Pulsli Scale & Pulsli HandHeld - Measuring devices
b. Pulsli App - A mobile application tailored for patients and their delegates
Provider-Facing Tools:
c. Pulsli MedDash - A clinician dashboard for medical staff
d. Pulsli MedOffice - A mobile application tailored for medical staff for in-office measuring

Please note that the video below offers insights into heart failure and is optional. You may skip it and proceed directly to the survey, which will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.

The Pulsli Team
7% of survey complete.