SE Ankeny Neighborhood Greenway Improvement Project- Feedback & Comments

Please fill out this brief survey and provide any additional comments about the project.

As a reminder, the proposed changes as part of this project include:

  • Installation of nine speedbumps between 13th and 28th
  • Removal of two speedbumps between 13th and 18th
  • Traffic diverter installation at 15th Avenue
  • Reorientation of six stop signs on Ash and Pine Streets between 12th and 18th

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* 1. Do you live on SE Ankeny St?

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* 2. Are you a business owner or employee of a business on SE Ankeny?

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* 3. How do you travel on SE Ankeny St (check all that apply)

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* 4. Please let us know how much you agree with this statement: "I support making changes on SE Ankeny St. between 12th and 28th to make it safer for everyone."

  Strongly agree Agree Do not agree Strongly do not agree
How much do you agree:

Question Title

* 5. Please let us know how much you agree with this statement: "I support lowering vehicle speeds on SE Ankeny by installing additional speed bumps."

  Strongly agree Agree Do not agree Strongly do not agree
How much do you agree:

Question Title

* 6. Please let us know how much you agree with this statement: "I support decreasing cut-through traffic on SE Ankeny by installing a vehicle diverter at SE 15th."

  Strongly agree Agree Do not agree Strongly do not agree
How much do you agree:

Question Title

* 7. Please let us know your level of support for the proposed changes.

  Strongly Support Support Do not support Strongly do not support
Proposed changes

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* 8. If you do not support the proposed changes, please select the particular aspects that you do not support (mark all that apply):

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* 9. Please provide any additional comments.