Clean Energy Symposium

We thank you for attending our "Hybrid" Seminar for Clean Energy Symposium. We hope you will complete this short survey to help us with ideas for next year's program. If you participate before September 5th, your name will be put into a drawing (list your name at bottom of survey). We will draw 1 name and this lucky winner will receive a $25 gift card. We will contact the winner at a later date and mail this gift card. Thanks so much.

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* 1. How did you attend this seminar?

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* 2. If you attended virtually, did you have any problems (or know of others who had problems from your company) gaining access in the seminar or hearing these presentations?

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* 3. The overall Clean Energy Symposium was:

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* 4. Which speakers/subject was most beneficial to you? (You can choose multiples if needed.)

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* 5. Please list comments about any of the speakers and/or subject matter above.... presentation, topic, etc.

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* 6. Please check one:

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* 7. Do you have any suggestions for topics you would want to hear at next year's Clean Energy Symposium? (Please list here.)

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* 8. If you offered suggestions above, do you know of a good speaker for this topic? (If so, please list their name, company, email or phone)

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* 9. What was the main reason for your attendance?

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* 10. What other seminar topics would you want EBMI to organize?

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* 11. If you have any additional comments about this program NOT covered above, please provide your comments here.

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* 12. Please list your name/company/phone number/email below if you wish to be included in the drawing for a $25 gift card.
Thanks again for taking a few minutes of your time!