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The Australian Made Campaign is always looking to provide opportunities for licensees to get their products into the hands of potential buyers and influencers, such as consumers, industry representatives politicians and social media influencers.

If you would like to provide your genuine Aussie products for future events, promotions and giveaways then complete the expression of interest questionnaire now. It will only take a couple of minutes!

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* 1. What is your business name and Australian Made ID number?

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* 2. What products would you be interested in donating for future promotions?

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* 3. What type of promotions are you interested in? (please tick all that apply)

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* 4. Who would you like to reach? (please tick all that apply)

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* 5. What size of promotion would you like to participate in?

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* 6. Who is the best person at your organisation to contact about participating in events and promotions?

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* 7. Anything else you'd like to add?

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