If this is an EMERGENCY situation, CALL 911 or seek help immediately. Do not use this form to report events that present an immediate threat to health or safety.
AMBA does not tolerate harassment of our job applicants, contractors, volunteers, members, stakeholders, guests or employees by another employee, supervisor, volunteer, vendor, member, non-member, customer, or any third party. This includes harassment based upon a person’s ethnic origin, colour, religion, gender, race, age, disability, religious beliefs, marital status, familial status, status regarding public assistance, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, and any other category protected by law.
Fostering and maintaining an inclusive association that is free of discrimination and harassment is central to AMBA's commitment to excellence. While AMBA is committed to fostering a safe and welcoming community, harassment, sexual harassment, sexual violence, and discrimination can and do occur with varying levels of frequency and impact. AMBA encourages members to report any acts which they believe to be an incident of harassment, bullying, sexual harassment, sexual violence, or discrimination. This form was developed to capture these reports.
Individuals who complete this form have the option to do so anonymously. All reports will be taken seriously and reviewed by our CEO and Chair. Subsequent steps will then be determined according to AMBA's Code of Conduct Policy. Please note that if you submit an anonymous report and are unable to provide any supporting evidence (witnesses, photos, etc), we are limited in our ability to act on your complaint. However, we still encourage you to share your experience if you're comfortable doing so.
Individuals who want to submit a formal complaint should provide contact information so that a formal investigative process can be initiated.
If you are uncertain or uncomfortable providing your contact information, you may complete this form anonymously and then reach out to the CEO directly at 587-819-5944 to discuss your options. All phone calls are confidential.