Alumnae Achievements

Calling All Alumnae

Help us celebrate the talent and dedication that continues to make our community proud by sharing your alumnae accomplishments with us!

We also invite all alumnae to share stories and lasting memories of your time at St Rita's College.

Thank you for taking the time to highlight alumnae stories and help inspire our current students.
1.Your Current Name (First and Last Name)(Required.)
2.Your Surname While at School (if applicable)(Required.)
3.Alumnae Year (if known)
4.Email Address(Required.)
5.Phone Number
6.Details of alumnae achievement
7.Your St Rita's College story/reflection/memory (any photos or videos can be sent to
8.Disclaimer: I understand that by submitting this content I consent to it being considered for publication across St Rita's College and Alumnae platforms to promote alumnae activities.(Required.)
9.Please consider me as a Year 10 Careers Day speaker(Required.)
10.I wish to highlight the achievements of a fellow SRC alumnae. Please provide contact details and a description of their achievement so we can contact them for further information.
11.Your Name (we may contact you to confirm details if you are nominating another alumnae)
12.Your Contact Email (we may contact you to confirm details if you are nominating another alumnae)