Membership Application

We are inviting applications from parents who have a strong interest in working in partnership with the Alabama Department of Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention to strengthen families so children may stay safely at home.

We are seeking parents:
  • Who have prior experiences using community-based prevention services (e.g., participation in protective factors training, parent leadership training, etc.)
  • And/or parents who have previous involvement in the child welfare system with a case that has been closed a minimum of 8–12 months.
    • Parents in recovery should have completed a treatment program at least 12 months before applying.

You can read the Role Description and the Requirements for Participation .

If you are interested in being considered for this role, please complete this online application by March 5, 2021. 
  • All applicants must also be nominated by a community-based service provider, child welfare representative, or other stakeholder in the community.
  • There is a place on the application to list the name of the staff member making the nomination.

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* Please complete this application form if you are a parent interested in being considered as a candidate for the Parent Advisory Council. 

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* Your Telephone Contacts

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* Preferred Method of Contact

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* Please provide the name, email address and telephone number of the person who nominated you for this role.

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* 1.  After reviewing the Parent Advisory Council role description, please tell us why you are interested in becoming a Council member?

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* 2. Please share any experiences that you have had with prevention or child welfare services in which you participated.

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* 3.  Please share any work, volunteer experience, education or training you have had that would support the work outlined in the role description.

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* 4. How would you like to contribute to supporting families and keeping them safely together?

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* 5. Are you able to attend two in-person/virtual meetings annually? (All your travel expenses, meals, lodging and child care costs will be paid.)

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* 6.  Do you have any special travel requirements? If yes, please describe.

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* 7. Are you able to participate in a minimum of six teleconferences or webinars for up to two hours each?

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* 8.  What other supports would you need to be able to participate in the Council?

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* 9.  Please describe your public speaking experience.

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* 10.  Is there anything else you would like to share or ask us as we review this application for Council membership?