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What are the challenges of commercial property asset management?

Thank you for participating in our research to help understand the challenges of commercial property asset management in Australia. AI Assets will share the insights from this research with the property industry. Please let us know at the end of the survey if you'd like to receive a copy of the finished report. 
It will take just 3 minutes to complete this survey and participants will be eligible to win a 3 pack of Smidge Wine valued at $120. The winner will be decided on January 31, 2022. Thank you!

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* 1. What is your primary role? (Check the one that best applies)

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* 2. How big is your/your clients' property portfolio? How many properties do you/they have under management?

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* 3. How many suppliers does a typical building in your portfolio have?

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* 4. How many assets are listed in the asset register of a typical building in your portfolio?

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* 5. How frequently do you currently update your asset register?

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* 6. What are your biggest challenges around the creation of your current asset register? (Tick as many as applicable)

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* 7. How accurate do you think your asset register is?

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* 8. How do you manage your asset register?

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* 9. How important is it for your annual budgeting to have an accurate asset register?

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* 10. How important is it for your lifecycle maintenance to have an accurate asset register?

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* 11. How often would you prefer to update your asset register?

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* 12. If it was cheaper, faster and easier to update your asset register, how often do you think you’d want it updated?

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* 13. If you had an easier and more affordable flow of data what would you use it for?

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* 14. How confident are you in the accuracy of your current asset register?

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* 15. Please enter your details below to be eligible to win our 3 pack of Smidge Wines. 

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* 16. Would you like to be contacted to learn about AI Assets to help you collect and analyse asset management data?

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