This survey is conducted by the State of Michigan's Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity Department, Employment and Training, Foreign Labor Certification Office. Its purpose is to help the U.S. Department of Labor establish wage rates and employment standards based on what's found to be common among agricultural employers who hire U.S. farm workers to complete certain crop activities. These standards are then required of employers hiring foreign workers through the H-2A program.

Your participation in this survey is voluntary. All information collected in this survey is confidential.

Please provide information based on wages and practices for the 2024 season.

Question Title

* 1. Identify the Wage Reporting Area for which you are completing the survey (check the link to the Wage Reporting Area Map provided in the original email message):

Question Title

* 2. Your contact information (note: this information will not be disclosed to any other entity):

Definitions of Survey Terms
  • U.S. Seasonal Worker: someone who lives in the United States and is seasonally employed in agriculture within commuting distance of their permanent residence. 
  • U.S. Migrant Worker: someone who lives in the United States and is seasonally employed in agriculture. This person will travel to a job site so that they are unable to return to their permanent residence within the same day. Note: this definition does not include H-2A workers but does include U.S. workers who are employed alongside these H-2A workers. 
Crop Information

Question Title

* 3. Please select all crops for which you employ U.S. seasonal or migrant workers:

Question Title

* 4. Please identify job task: