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Population Survey

Due to all the new Federal and State regulations and laws being proposed dealing with our birds, it is important that we have a good accounting of the populations in the United States. Many of our birds are not allowed to be moved into some states without very rigorous permit applications and other States are following their example. These regulations, unknown to many, will affect birds in possession of all areas of bird ownership and this will include pets, rescues, breeders, shops, and transporting. Officials want numbers, they generally know little about bird ownership. Without numbers, their decisions can be very detrimental to all bird owners.

The Organization of Professional Aviculturists (OPA) in conjunction with the American Federation of Aviculture (AFA) and the Avicultural Society of America (ASA) are working to make this happen. We are working together to complete this greatly needed survey to help you and your birds, so please, help us to help you.

Please take a few minutes and fill out this simple, anonymous survey. There are only nine questions.

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* 1. Name (Optional)

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* 2. E-mail (Optional)

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* 4. Are you a pet owner, breeder, or rescue?

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* 5. The number of African Greys you own. Include birds you do not own but are caring for.

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* 6. How many years have you worked with African Greys?

0 50+

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* 7. Which subspecies is in your possession?

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* 8. Have you bred any African Greys in the following years? If so, how many chicks produced? If unsure please estimate.

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* 9. Would/does the listing on the United States Endangered Species List effect you in any way?

0 of 9 answered