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Thank you for attending the AESC annual meeting.  Your feedback is an important part of the CME process and will help us to plan programs in the future which meet your educational needs.  Please take a little time to complete your conference evaluation by responding to the following items about the conference as a whole.  And please complete the separate evaluations for the program offered each day.
Overall Conference Evaluations

Question Title

* 1. To what extent were you familiar with the topics presented in the program?

Question Title

* 2. Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements as they apply to the conference as a whole:

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
I was satisfied with the presentations
I found the instructional material to be effective
The presentations were relevant to my situation
This activity met my educational needs
Please think about the content presented at this conference and, in an overall sense, answer the questions below regarding your educational experience.

Question Title

* 3. Based on the information presented at this conference, I will:     (multiple choices allowed)

Question Title

* 4. Please name one or two system changes or improvements you expect to make in your professional setting as a result of this educational activity.

Question Title

* 5. If there are any barriers you have identified that prevent adoption of what was presented, please summarize here:

Question Title

* 6. Please rate the following factors relating to the conference as a whole:

  Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied
Length and organization of the program
Time allotted for discussion/questions
Geographic location of the meeting
Meeting venue (hotel)
Meeting room/facilities in general
Audio/visual setup
Meals and refreshments
Recreational opportunities
Promotion of the meeting/registration process
0 of 12 answered