Fellow military veteran:

Welcome! This is an effort we're spearheading in which we're seeking advice for currently serving military personnel FROM PEOPLE WHO HAVE SUCCESSFULLY TRANSITIONED FROM ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY to civilian employment. 

If that describes you, great! Additionally:

1. From us to you, thanks for your service.

2. We'd love for your input on this e-book. Again, it's going to be a compilation of short bits of advice from veterans to currently serving military personnel regarding the TRANSITION from military to civilian employment. 

3. Once we have input from folks, we'll be putting it together in good-looking document and then posting it online for FREE. We want as many currently serving military personnel to read it and benefit from your advice. It's also an opportunity for you to publicize who you are and what you do. 

Below, you'll see an example (keep in mind this is a rough draft, the published version will likely have a more polished design) of what your page will look like. 

Thank you very much!

Ben Baran (U.S. Navy veteran, current active U.S. Navy Reserve)
Matt Larkin (U.S. Navy active duty)

Question Title

Example Advice Page

Example Advice Page

Question Title

* 1. REQUIRED: Please provide your first and last name. This is how your name will appear in the e-book.

Question Title

* 2. REQUIRED: Please upload your head shot photo. This will appear along with your quote and current job title (and your optional website URL and/or social media links).

JPEG, JPG, PNG file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 3. REQUIRED: Where do you currently work?

Question Title

* 4. REQUIRED: What is your job title?

Question Title

* 5. REQUIRED: What advice would you give to currently serving military personnel regarding the successful transition to civilian employment (limit 500 characters)? Military personnel and those who recently transitioned to civilian life should …

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* 6. REQUIRED: In what branch of the military did you previously serve (the one from which you transitioned to civilian employment)?

Question Title

* 7. REQUIRED: Do you currently serve in the active (drilling) guard or reserve? 

Question Title

* 8. OPTIONAL: Provide your or your company's Web site.

Question Title

* 9. OPTIONAL: Provide your Twitter handle.

Question Title

* 10. OPTIONAL: Provide your LinkedIn Web address.

Question Title

* 11. OPTIONAL: Provide your e-mail address (so we can send you a copy of the e-book once it's ready).

THANK YOU VERY MUCH! We'll be reviewing and compiling responses as fast as possible. Please click "DONE" below.