The ACRL Leadership Recruitment and Nomination Committee (LRNC) welcomes your nominations for elected officers to the ACRL Board of Directors.

Please use this form to submit candidate recommendations for the next ACRL Board ballot. You may submit as many names as you like. If you submit multiple names, please complete this form for each recommendation.

We seek Board members who can offer visionary leadership and a broad perspective of librarianship. It is not a requirement that members of the Board be library directors or deans to be eligible to serve on the Board. If you would like to view current roles and responsibilities for ACRL Board members, please visit the ACRL Guide to Policies and Procedures.

Please keep in mind that submitting a nominee to the LRNC in no way guarantees that the person will be asked to run for office. Please refrain from telling nominees that they will be contacted, as the LRNC makes the final decision regarding which candidates will be asked to run.

Deadline: Please submit your nominations by February 15, 2025.

ALA Personal Data Notification

Question Title

* 1. Please include as much information as possible about the nominee.

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* 2. Please indicate if this is a self-nomination

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* 3. For the office of (choose all that apply):

Question Title

* 4. How long have you known this individual? (Does not apply for self-nominations)

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* 5. Briefly describe why you believe this person is a good candidate to serve on the Board of Directors. 

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* 6. Please describe your relevant work/accomplishments in the area of EDI. (Self-nominee only)

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* 7. Provide links to the person's professional page(s)s such as institutional Web site, etc.

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* 8. Nominator information (Does not apply for self-nominations)

The LRNC will request a curriculum vita and/or a statement of interest from selected individuals prior to developing a slate of candidates.

If you have any questions about the nominating or election process, please feel free to contact LRNC Chair Pat Hawthorne at and ACRL Program Officer Elois Sharpe at

Thank you for your suggestions of potential future leaders for ACRL.