Screen Reader Mode Icon Check SCREEN READER MODE to make this survey compatible with screen readers. Overcoming Chronic Absenteeism Presentation Evaluation Question Title * 1. What is your role? (check all that apply) Administrator Coordinator of local Grade-Level Reading Campaign Funder Practioner (working in a school or community agency) Researcher / Evaluator Technical assistance provider Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 2. At what levels do you work? (check all that apply) Elementary Middle School High School District Level Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 3. What organizations are you a member of? American Federation of School Administrators National Association of Elementary School Principals National Association of Secondary School Principals Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 4. How satisfied were you with the following: Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied The program content The program content Very Satisfied The program content Satisfied The program content Dissatisfied The program content Very Dissatisfied The program format The program format Very Satisfied The program format Satisfied The program format Dissatisfied The program format Very Dissatisfied The program length The program length Very Satisfied The program length Satisfied The program length Dissatisfied The program length Very Dissatisfied The speakers The speakers Very Satisfied The speakers Satisfied The speakers Dissatisfied The speakers Very Dissatisfied The opportunity for you to participate The opportunity for you to participate Very Satisfied The opportunity for you to participate Satisfied The opportunity for you to participate Dissatisfied The opportunity for you to participate Very Dissatisfied The program's value to your work The program's value to your work Very Satisfied The program's value to your work Satisfied The program's value to your work Dissatisfied The program's value to your work Very Dissatisfied OK Question Title * 5. How likely are you to apply ideas from this session to your own practice? Highly likely Likely Maybe Unlikely Very unlikely OK Question Title * 6. Would you share information from this session with another colleague? Yes No Maybe OK Question Title * 7. What did you find most valuable about this session? OK Question Title * 8. How could this session have been improved? OK Question Title * 9. Add any additional comments about today's presentation? OK DONE