This survey is about the place you consider “your” local community – wherever that may be. Many people think of their community as the city, town or place where they live. Some people feel like their community is more specific; others feel it is more broad. There is no wrong answer.

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* 1. When you think about Your Community, what does that include? {Choose your best answer}

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* 2. What is the name of the place you consider to be Your Community?

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* 3. Do you think Your Community is a good place for people to live as they age? {Choose your best answer}

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* 4. What is your age? (in years)

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* 5. How important is it for you to remain in Your Community as you age? {Choose your best answer}

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* 6. If you were to consider moving out of Your Community, would these factors impact your decision to move away? {Choose your best answers}

  Yes Maybe No
a. Wanting a larger or smaller home.
b. The high cost of home maintenance.
c. Fearing for your personal safety or having security concerns.
d. Looking for a home that will help you live independently as you age.
e. Wanting to move to an area with better health care facilities.
f. Wanting to move to be closer to family.
g. Needing more access to public transportation.
h. Wanting to live where the weather is different.
i. Looking for an area with a lower cost of living.
6% of survey complete.