Question Title

* 1. The occupation or role that best describes me is:

Question Title

* 2. My office is located:

Question Title

* 3. Please select which business classification best describes your business.

Question Title

* 4. My company has the following number of (local) employees:

Question Title

* 5. In 2020, I expect the Greater Binghamton economy to:

Question Title

* 6. How has your economic outlook changed since last year?

Question Title

* 7. In 2020, your company's sales revenues will:

Question Title

* 8. In 2020, I expect our company workforce to:

Question Title

* 9. Please rank how the following NATIONAL Factors have the Most Impact on Current Outlook for the Economy

  Not an issue Moderate issue Huge issue N/A
Access to talent
Cost of healthcare
Federal legislation
Interest rates
The global economy
Currency strength of US Dollar
Access to capital and credit
Federal/State wage/hour laws
Housing availability - sales/prices/inventory
Intellectual property theft and cyber security
Unemployment rate
Utility costs
Competition from global markets
Foreign direct involvement
Costs of trade (or free trade agreements)
Federal immigration policy

Question Title

* 10. Please rank how the following STATE and LOCAL Business Challenges that your company encounters

  Not an issue Moderate issue Huge issue N/A
Regional economic climate
Transportation infrastructure
Business taxes and regulation
Employee health care costs
Attracting and retaining employees
Revenue generation
Managing growth
Lack of qualified workers
Access to capital and credit
Availability of commercial office space to fit our needs
Workers compensation
Unemployment insurance