The Zumbro One Watershed, One Plan Partnership (Partnership) is seeking input from residents to inform development of a comprehensive watershed management plan to guide water and natural resource management over the next 10 years.

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* 1. County of Residence:

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* 2. How would you rate the overall health of water resources in your community?

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* 3. A. How do you use the lakes, ponds, wetlands, streams, rivers, and natural areas in your community? (choose all that apply)

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* 4. How often do you use the area around the Zumbro Watershed and/or Mississippi River Lake Pepin Watershed for a recreational purpose?

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* 5. Drinking water within the watershed comes from groundwater sources. How concerned are you about the state of local groundwater sources?

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* 6. How Important are each of the following water issues to you? (Please check one box in each row)

  Extremely important Very important Somewhat important Not important No Opinion
1. Minimizing the spread and impact of Aquatic Invasive Species
2. Reducing erosion into ditches, rivers, lakes and wetlands
3. Reducing the amount of trash in or around waterbodies
4. Ability to use waterbodies for recreation
5. Reducing pollutants like road-salt, fertilizer, & heavy metals entering waterbodies
6. Reducing pollutants from entering drinking water supplies.
7. Adapting to impacts of climate change
8. Preserving wetlands and springs
9. Minimizing flood damages
10. Preserving habitat for game fish, ducks, and other wildlife
11. Accommodating new or growing water-using industries
12. Preserving stream habitat (green corridors)

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* 7. Using the numbered water issues identified in the previous question, please rank the top 5 issues that you feel are most important to address in the Greater Zumbro River Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan. Please rank the top 5 in order of importance using the numbers provided below.

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
most important
second most important
third most important
fourth most important
fifth most important

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* 8. Are there specific waterbodies or natural areas you are concerned about?

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* 9. General Comments/Suggestions: