How to fill the gap?

How can we fill the gap?

I'm a student at UW Seattle and we're working on how to better provide ostomates with care and tools needed to care for their stomas. Please let us know in this survey how we can better approach the subject and how can we work on filling the gap in information and care.
1.How important are the following tools? Rank in order of interest (most interest to least) 1. Support Groups 2. Customized wafers/pouches (pre-cut) 3. Telehealth 4. Emotional health support (therapists, psychologist) 5. Suppliers information 6. Patients advocate
2.What are the main difficulties you've encountered since getting an ostomy?
3.What, if any, type of support do you use on a daily basis?
4.If you have a pre-cut wafer/pouch, what are the pros and cons on having it made to size. What would you wish for, if anything, in the pre-cut wafers/pouches?
5.In what ways would you like support from the medical/nursing community?
6.Do you have contact with an ostomy nurse? How much care does she/he provide on a daily basis? Do you need extra nursing support? Who, if anyone, is your primary care provider (family member, nurses, at-home care)? Do they (family) have any wishes for added help in at-home care?
7.What is one current issue you have, and how would you want that to be solved?
8.What type of phone do you have? Are new applications on your phone hard to use?
9.Would you be willing to do an interview with me or someone in my team for us to learn more about ostomies and how we can make ostomy care better? If so, please provide a contact email or number so we can schedule an interview. Thank you!
10.Additional thoughts or questions?