TriMet employees and Bus Driver Appreciation Day 2013 Bus Driver Appreciation Day (BDAD) is March 18. The organizers of TriMet's involvement in BDAD 2013 want your feedback about BDAD 2013. Your anonymous and confidential responses will help shape planning and publicity going forward. Each TriMet employee is welcome to take this short survey once. Feedback from non-employees should go through 238-RIDE or Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Survey will close Friday, March 22. Question Title * 1. How did you participate in BDAD this year? Check all that apply. Used the hashtag #bdad on Twitter Signed a big thank-you card from a group of people Ate fruit, sandwiches, etc. at my garage or break area Helped publicize it Said "thank you" to one or more operators Gave small thank-you card(s) to operator(s) Gave something other than a thank-you card to an operator Received small thank-you card(s) from customer(s) Wore a lapel pin Received something other than a thank-you card from a customer or member of the public Showed other people the thank-you cards I received Handed out food, thank-you cards and/or pins Visited the Facebook page Visited the website, Helped organize it Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. The purpose of BDAD is to "turn up the volume" on the appreciation that customers, coworkers and the public feel for their operators every day. Which aspects of BDAD do you think are most effective? Check up to three. Lapel pins Thank-you cards Facebook page News coverage Publicity ahead of time Refreshments for operators Website Twitter hashtag Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. What is the most memorable, heartwarming, funny or meaningful BDAD moment you experienced, or heard about? Question Title * 4. Other feedback about Bus Driver Appreciation Day: Thank you for your feedback. Watch Express Line for a report-back on the results of this survey. Done