CIFFA, via its Sustainability Committee, is asking members to provide ideas and input on some of the goals/tools/initiatives their companies have set up to become more sustainable.

Today, sustainability is very much a part of the strategic priorities of many organizations. CIFFA is interested in why sustainability matters, what areas are being worked on and what barriers exist to implementing sustainable initiatives.

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1. Please indicate your company size:

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2. Should sustainability be a key focus for businesses today?

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3. I am familiar with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

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4. Is sustainability part of the strategic priorities of your organization?

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5. Why does sustainability matter to your organization? (mark all that apply)

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6. The company regularly reviews its sustainability targets and best practices and communicates these to employees.

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7. Does your company produce a sustainability report?

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8. How important is sustainability to your business clients?

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9. Does your company share its sustainability performance and progress externally?

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10. My company is working on sustainability, in the following business areas (mark all that apply):

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11. Some of the goals/tools/initiatives my company has set up to become more sustainable are the following: (mark all that apply)

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12. Please rank the following barriers from initiating sustainability practices at your organization:

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13. Do you see any other major barriers from initiating sustainability practices at your organization aside from the ones listed in Question 12?

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14. Please rank the top five SDG’s in order of importance to you and/or your organization:

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15. If you agree that companies/industries should become more sustainable, what are the reasons? (mark all that apply)

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16. What areas of sustainability would you like to see included in an industry blueprint document? (mark all that apply)

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17. What is your willingness/interest level to participate in sustainability training ?  Mark topics of interest:

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18. Is your company interested in being featured, to profile sustainability initiatives, to be shared with CIFFA members: