We would like to understand and measure the experiences of parents who have a child with a disability. In particular we wish to know about your perceptions of the care you have been receiving over the past year from the health care organization that provides services to your child. This may be your local children's treatment (rehabilitation) centre, your community care access centre, or another organization.
The care that you and your child receive from this organization may bring you into contact with many individuals. The questions on this form are grouped by who these contacts are, as described below.
PEOPLE: refers to those individuals who work directly with you or your child. These may include
psychologists, therapists, social workers, doctors, teachers, etc.
ORGANIZATION: refers to all staff from the health care organization, whether involved directly with your child or not. In addition to health care people they may include support staff such as office staff, housekeepers, administrative personnel, etc.
The questions are based on what parents, like yourself, have told us about the way care is sometimes offered. We are interested in your personal thoughts and would appreciate your completing this questionnaire on your own without discussing it with anyone.
For each question, please indicate how much the event or situation happens to you. You are asked to respond by circling one number from 1 (Not at All) to 7 (To a Very Great Extent) that you feel best fits your experience. Please note that the zero value (0) is used only if the situation described does not apply to you.
When answering these questions, we would like you to think about the organization from which you first found out about this study. For easy reference, the name of that organization is: California Children's Services.