WSDA Resilient Local Food System Infrastructure Grants Input and Interest Form

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Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) Regional Markets Program supports regional food systems and local food value chains development. WSDA has various programs to support this work, including:

We are interested in making continual improvements to our grant offerings and invite your interest and comments on investing in local food system infrastructure.

The purpose of the Local Food System Infrastructure grant program is to support local food supply chains and market access for farms, ranches, food processors, and food distributors. The intention is to fund projects that expand and strengthen collaboration across linkages in the regional food supply chain. This includes planning, equipment, and facilities that support on-farm post-harvest handling, aggregation, processing, manufacturing, storing, distribution, and sale of locally and regionally produced food products.

Thank you for your interest in improving local food system infrastructure. This is critical to economic viability of Washington’s small and mid-size farms and ranches. Please share your thoughts and sign up to be notified about future WSDA Regional Markets Programs and grant opportunities.
1.Which best describes the organization or business are you are affiliated with?(Required.)
2.What Washington region do you primarily work in?(Required.)
3.Select the Washington grown agricultural food products you primarily work with.(Required.)
4.In your experience, what post-harvest infrastructure investments would remove the biggest barriers for small and mid-size farms or ranches in your region?

In other words, what specific kinds of post-harvest infrastructure are small and mid-sized growers needing most?

And Why?

(Post-harvest can include food processing equipment/facilities, food storage facilities, food distribution vehicles, food marketplace improvements, and applied food value chain coordination or assistance)
5.What type of technical assistance support would help you/your community apply for and be successful with this investment of grant money? Select your top 3.(Required.)
6.Under existing state law, WSDA grants must be reimbursement-based. Grant recipients need to spend money and submit receipts before they receive the grant funds from WSDA. Which of the following best describes the impact of this rule for you/your community?

(Note: Even though we are not able to change this rule, it still helps us to know how this barrier is impacting potential applicants.)
7.The Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure (RFSI) program, allows for grants up to $3 million in funding. However, USDA requires grant recipients to contribute matching funds from 25% to 50% of the total proposed project cost. To qualify for the reduced match, the applicant business must be owned and operated by historically underserved farmers and ranchers or qualify under SBA categories of small disadvantaged business, women-owned small business, or veteran-owned small business.

Given this information, which answer best describes your interest in applying for a large grant (over $500,000), select all that apply:
8.Are you interested in learning more about Regional Markets Programs and being notified of future grant opportunities?(Required.)
9.How would you like to receive updates on WSDA Regional Markets offerings including grant application announcements and application deadlines? (Select all that apply)(Required.)
10.What is your first and last name?
11.What is a good email address to reach you at?
12.What organization are you affiliated with?
Current Progress,
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