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* 1. Which event did you attend?

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* 2. Are you more aware of ways to live sustainably now?

I didn't learn anything new I have learned a lot

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* 3. Are you taking action to live more sustainably?

I haven't changed a thing I've made several changes

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* 4. How connected do you feel with your local community?

Not connected at all Strongly connected

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* 5. What makes you feel connected with your community?

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* 6. What else could Sustainable Solano provide to help you and your community?

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* 7. Would you recommend our programs to your best friend?

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* 8. Did you learn anything new today about sustainable landscaping & gardening?

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* 9. Did the event meet your expectations?

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* 10. What actions do you plan to implement in the next 6 months? (e.g. install a food forest / grow your own food, sheet mulch my thirsty lawn, use roofwater or install a greywater system, other - please specify)

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* 11. What additional resources / support do you need to take these actions?

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* 12. What other topics/classes would you be interested in?

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* 13. Testimonial: what would you share with others about this event? Please leave your first name if it is ok for us to use your feedback in our promotional materials.

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* 14. What city do you live in?

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