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The Shire of Kent has received a grant allocation of $349,064 as part of the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) Program Round 2. This funding is in addition to the $501,000 received in Round 1 and that has been included in the 2020/2021 Budget for Road projects. 

Guidelines for expending this additional funding state that projects must be new initiatives and not already included in the current budget.
As the Roads program is at capacity for the current financial year, Council is looking to use the funding to deliver projects with a focus on community infrastructure.

Council has identified a number of projects that funding could be allocated to and invite you to complete a short survey to gauge support / priority and feedback for these suggestions.  Council also invites your input into any other projects or ideas that you would like to include for consideration.

We look forward to working with our communities to deliver community infrastructure projects.

Question Title

* 1. Rank the projects you would most like to see from first (1) to last (17)
(Drag and drop projects, or use the drop-down menu to select numbers)

  1. Main Playgrounds: Shade Structure - Nyabing & Pingrup
  2. Pathway - Burston Park (school) to Sanderson St / CRC - 150m x 2m
  3. Projector/large TV screen - Nyabing Pavilion (for meetings, events, emergency use)
  4. Large Screen TV - Nyabing Chambers (for meetings, events, emergency use)
  5. Projector/large TV screen - Pingrup Pavilion (for meetings, events, emergency use)
  6. PV Solar System with Battery Backup for Pavilions (emergency use & reduce power consumption)
  7. Battery backup for Nyabing Administration Office (allows operations during emergencies and power outages)
  8. Drainage - Coates Close (address street flooding issue)
  9. Drainage - Jury Street (address street flooding issue)
  10. Solar Pathway lighting - Nyabing Caravan Park/Parrot's Bridge (improve safety)
  11. Broken kerbing - Pingrup (improve amenity and drainage)
  12. Playground equipment
  13. Revamp Shears 
  14. Nyabing carpark surface
  15. Carrie Street (town street reconstruction)
  16. Main streets - lighting - underground
  17. Bin covers for main street rubbish bins

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* 2. Do you have other Community Infrastructure projects that you want the shire to consider? List your own ideas.
(Feel free to attach an additional page if you run out of space)

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* 3. Any further thoughts? Share them here. 
(Feel free to attach an additional page if you run out of space)

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* 4. What is your age group? (Optional)

The following optional questions will assist the Shire to understand which demographics are and are not being reached.

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* 5. What town do you live in, or nearest to? (Optional)

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* 6. What is your gender? (Optional)

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