Exit Survey to Ostomy Clinic Providers Question Title * 1. What is your biggest barrier to patients accessing ostomy supplies? Supplies not being reimbursed Unable to get a product from the DME supplier Being forced to use substitute products Quantity of supplies being provided is not sufficient Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Do you experience patients having to pay out of pocket for the following items: Yes / No Multiple stomas Yes No Multiple stomas Yes / No menu High output stomas Yes No High output stomas Yes / No menu Disposable irrigation sleaves Yes No Disposable irrigation sleaves Yes / No menu Hernia belts Yes No Hernia belts Yes / No menu Custom supplies Yes No Custom supplies Yes / No menu Question Title * 3. When medically necessary supplies are denied by a supplier... Yes / No Is the appeal process clear Yes No Is the appeal process clear Yes / No menu Is the appeal generally successful Yes No Is the appeal generally successful Yes / No menu If not successful, what were the barriers (please specify) Question Title * 4. Do you treat patients with spontaneous fistula? Yes No Question Title * 5. If yes, has the patient experienced supply access issues? Yes No Question Title * 6. If ostomy/fistula patients have experienced ongoing lack of access to supplies what were/are the consequences? (check all that apply) Readmission Unscheduled clinic visit ER visits Patient complaints Patient emotional distress Patients experiencing financial hardship Next