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Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Monitoring Form for IES Volunteers - IES External Policy Advisory Committee Recruitment

The Institution of Environmental Sciences (IES) is committed to meeting the goals and commitments set out in our Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Plan and Equality and Diversity Policy. This includes elimination of discrimination as defined by the Equality Act 2010, and monitoring the diversity of people who volunteer for services and activities delivered by the IES and our sister organisations. To do so, we would like to ask some questions about who you are, including some sensitive personal information. We want to capture this data to understand who the IES is engaging with, so that we can identify areas for improvement within our processes and communications to make them more equitable. 

Your co-operation through completing this voluntary questionnaire will enable us to monitor the effectiveness of our advertising and recruitment strategies, with the intention of having a separate, confidential record about the position you applied for. You are free to skip any question you would prefer not to answer and can stop at any time if you change your mind. All data collected within this survey will be stored in compliance with the Data Protection Act and will only be accessible by IES staff. Responses to this survey are stored anonymously and will not in any way affect your application. They may be published and shared as a depersonalised, aggregated dataset to monitor and report on the effectiveness of our work.

We want to ensure that all our volunteers are able to perform to their best. If you’d like to discuss any adjustments or support that you might find helpful, or if you have any questions about the form please reach out to our Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Lead Jo Maniscalco at or on +44 (0)20 3862 7484. 

Thank you for supporting our aims to drive greater equity, diversity and inclusion at the IES. Find out more about the IES’s approach to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (ED&I) in our 2023 – 2026 plan:
1.What is your age?
2.Which of the following best describes your ethnic group?
3.What gender do you identify with?
4.Is the gender you identify with the same as your gender registered at birth?
5.Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation?
6.Do you consider yourself to have a disability or long-term condition? (such as dyslexia, diabetes, arthritis, a heart condition, or a mental health condition, for example)
7.Do you have any of the following disabilities or long-term conditions? Select all that apply.
8.What is your religion or belief?
The following questions are asked as a means of measuring socio-economic background, following guidance from the Social Mobility Commission. Your responses will be processed to give a socio-economic grade.
9.What was the occupation of your main household earner when you were aged about 14?
10.Which type of school did you attend for the most time between the ages of 11-16?
11.If you finished school after 1980, were you eligible for free school meals at any point?
12.Did either of your parents attend university and gain a degree (e.g. BA/BSc or equivalent) by the time you were 18?